Search results for 'compact software server'.
3435 products found. Showing 118-129 in 10 groups sorted by relevance.
118. Inox
Ready to use solution for forwarding mail from your ISP server to local SMTP server like Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes/Domino. The service does not interfere with other serversoftware. Per-server licensing with unlimited number of POP3 mailboxes. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($122.03) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Narawen Software computer studio
119. SYNCHRONIZE (1 Server, 4 Clients)
Features Time server can run on Win98/Me, Win NT/2000/XP or any kind of UNIX. Time client can run on Win 98/Me or Win NT/2000/XP. Furthermore you can define one computer (Windows or UNIX) as a time server and all others as time clients and thus synchronize the system clocks of your PCs within your LAN. DetailsBuy now ($40.32) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Joerg Hillebrand IT-Consulting
120. CyberLeader (Server and 10 Clients)
Internet & Cyber Cafe Software by CyberLeader is designed for owners of Internet cafes or any other institutions that need to control, charge for, and report on the usage of computers. The software provides you with a comprehensive billing system, which includes the ability to fully control and charge for printing. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($319.00) Find similar
Language: English, Spanish
Vendor: Sphinx Microsystems Corp
124. Desktop Master Pro Plus Server Side Screenshot. You can easily use the software with help of symbols in client & server. For example, the IT department of a bank which has servers in New York,. You can fully control the remote control server, even you can communicate. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($69.99) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Intelligence Technology Systems
MagicReport Server. Is a professional software solution for tracking and analysis of web/wap internet and intranet servers attendance. Is a software client/server application, which you can buy or lease and you do not pay other monthly payments without regard to attendance of your pages.
IKFpro presents information about Product Installations Keys of Win XP/2000/2003, Office 2000/2003, SQL-Server 2000, Visio 2003, Frontpage 2003, information about installed Software, Patches, Servicepacks, QFE´s. A doubleclick will lead yout to a knowledgebase to get more Information about the Software.
128. Odbc 4 All
ODBC 4 ALL is a 32 bit Windows utility designed to easily allow any application, including DOS, to run SQL queries using any ODBC data source, (Access, Informix, MySql, Oracle, Sql Server,...), redirecting the output to the screen, an ascii file/table or a DBF table. Even the error messages could be redirected to an ascii file (for example if the SQL query contains a syntax error, or if the database server is unreachable because the server PC is down) allowing the running application to check for errors before managing the results. DetailsBuy now ($68.12) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: p.i. Guolo Davide
129. Photovista Panorama MAC Business Edition
PHOTOVISTA PANORAMA MAC 3.02 Business Edition - A fully automatic panoramic photo solution with unique features for business web sites. Compact files. Photovista Panorama is the perfect software program for people who want to do more with their pictures. DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 27.8 MB) Buy now ($189.95) Find similar
Platform: Mac OS 9/Classic, Mac OS X
Vendor: iseemedia Inc.