LogAnalytics automatically accumulates the necessary data simultaneously from several polytypic log sources, realizes user-defined statistical treatment and presents results in a set of easy-to-understand rotatable 3D graphs through a convenient WEB-based interface. Source Log format parsers are completely configurable separately for each Log source.
PC Agent enables you to log activities on your PC unnoticed and store these compressed and encrypted in log-files. Encodes and compresses log-files before sending. Send log-files to a shared resource or to a e-mail address.
Scubase Dive Log. Bullet Download dive site coordinates directly from your GPS unit Bullet Print custom-formatted dive log with dive profile charts Bullet Export your dive log in HTML format Bullet Keep dive logs for multiple divers in the same database, sharing information about dive sites and marine life Bullet Access your data with Microsoft® Excel and other third party tools via an industry-standard relational database (Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine is included with Scubase).
Right click on the link and select save file to disk. Downloading will take between 1 and 2 minutes with a standard modem. Remember, if you are purchasing our e-book you do NOT have to select the contracts because they come packaged with the e-book.
Now there is Domain Quester, a program designed to search for available domain names, generate the greatest possible word combinations and then select the best possible combination for naming a business on the Net.
188. MassManager
Users enter fitness exercises lengths-of-time data. A flowsheet logs times spent per week on exercises, calculates body mass burn-off and shows the weekly changes in BMI. DetailsBuy now ($13.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: HWLData Ltd