Choose different visualizing option that can help you visualize and understand how the human form is build especially from complicated foreshortening and perspective angles. This is a very powerful feature of our product and as important because end of the day, it's a 2D image that is sketched.
Load not only file name, size, create time, modify time but also metadata of file (such as MP3 ID3 Tag, image file width, height and color, Microsoft Office document's summary information, Audio CD internet CDDB information, etc.).
260. Typograf
View and preview fonts Display all OpenType, TrueType and Type 1 fonts on hard disks, DVD, CD, opticals, floppies or particular folders including all sub folders. Choosing an appropriate Type. File data: size, date, file location path. Sorts viewed fonts by name, file, family, copyright, width, date, size. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($35.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: A. & M. Neuber GbR
261. Splittur
The main difference of Splittur's packages from standard archivers' SFX modules is that they are very fast, very small and totally customizable (in WYSIWYG mode) from the banner image to the About box text. In the most cases such custom-stub packages will even retain their stubs' functionality: JPG files will be pictures, RTF files will be text; only their size will grow. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($29.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Stratopoint Software
In appeared dialog box choose button Browse you will be forced to choose one file or one folder to perform search operations. User has to choose a folder to download in the moment when the check box Download to: is checked. Once done different combinations of searching could be performed for chosen file or files in the selected folder.
The HTML-to-RTF Pro DLL component can convert HTML and ASP files into good-looking RTF with tables or transform tables to text. Converting images. Font face, color, size; Select page size (A4, B5,...);
264. Capture Text
Features: Recognizes text in any type of document (HTML, Word, Notepad, PDF, BMP or JPG image) or in any part of the screen and saves it to clipboard. The program interacts with your document processing software and converts the captured text or graphic image to content that can be recognized as text within the document processing software. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($29.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Strong Office
Main features: Batch Copy/Move: Open a browse dialog, choose or input a dir to copy/move the selected files to that dir. Also, it support MP3 ID3 V1 and V2 Tag format renaming, and can rename pictures with the image properties.
· Background Wallpaper Image To supporting multiple colors in the background, the TFlyTreeView also features support for pictures in the background of the tree. · Working logic: your tree can have working logic - checkboxes and radiobuttons, for which you can adjust images.