Search results for 'send mailing'.
1370 products found. Showing 60-70 in 10 groups sorted by relevance.
60. CommuniMate
When you want to sendmail, you should just attach your files, type your mail and click Send to List! Get your custom report (for example, the customers located in Washington DC, names starting with letters between A and G and which work in IT sector...), and just click Print labels or Send auto-mail... buttons. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($99.99) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Intelligence Technology Systems
61. SmartReply COM add-in for Outlook2000/2002 (Unlimited Pack)
Suppose your Exchange server supports two e-mail domains: and He can receive messages sent to both of these addresses. User Joh Doe has two e-mail addresses: (primary address) and DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($500.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: IvaSoft
63. Dynamic Mail Communicator Professional
Dynamic Mail Communicator allows you to communicate with your clients and keep in touch with your customers in a more convenience way. Dynamic Mail Communicator allows you to send personalized messages to your customers, subscribers and friends. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($329.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Apex Pacific Pty Ltd
Unlimited categories and subcategories of your choice, image upload, auto expiration of ads with e-mailsent to user when ad expires, eBay-style HTML allowed in ads, fully customizable HTML template, limit the number of ads per user, comprehensive admin panel and much more.
65. IP Detective 2.2
IP Detective Suite is an IP monitoring program that reports any changes in your dynamic IP address to your ftp site, e-mails it to you and displays your current, external IP on your desktop. IP e-mail alert - this program will send an e-mail to two diffirent e-mail addresses, that you specify, with your updated IP address. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($19.95) Find similar
Platform: Windows XP, Windows XP
Vendor: IP Detective
Send Talking E-mails and Greetings with Dream Multimedia (Promotion Special: $39.95). Tnm_smileface.gif (837 bytes) Talk-n-Mail has other nice features that make your e-mail life much easier and true fun, such as: To get informed when a friend's birthday comes near; to get notified with sound and animation when new mails arrive; to block spamming e-mails; to get warned when an attachment may contain virus; to check the spelling and grammar right inside of your e-mail;...
The Plain Text mail can be sent as part of the HTML mail and will be displayed if the recipient's email software can't show HTML mail. Talk-n-Mail generates a Plain Text mail along with your HTML mail.
DetailsBuy now ($128.99) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: SoftApproach Corp.
Send log-files to a shared resource or to a e-mail address. Send with schedule. These log-files are fully searchable for specific keywords and can be send automatically to a shared resource in the network or to a predefined e-mail address.
70. MailEdge MailEdge is a simple and easy to use mass email software with a nice interface. MailEdge is now fully integrated with mySMTP (Mass mail enabled SMTP relay server from HexNiche. It has features like: Send bulk emails via internal or external SMTP server; Supports plain text and HTML messages, can embed pictures; Detailed logging; flexible mail merge with self-defined merge fields; Import/export email addresses using comma-separated files. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($38.80) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: HexNiche System