The output of the editor is a XML document with possibility of further processing (for example using XSLT) to generate files of different formats (html, pdf, etc.). XMLVisualisator may be considered as special text editor that stores documents in XML format.
WinSurvey is a user-friendly tool for creating, analyzing and publishing surveys. Files are automatically generated and loaded. Using the Survey Designer, you can see the final outlook of the survey in the web browser or as unformatted text (for emails) in the interactive program.
Zcrab Alpha Matrix Display is a powerful OCX control for your applications which can be used to graphically represent a string composed of an arbitrary number of digits and other characters.There is a large predefined set of styles and color combinations among which you can choose.Digits are generated representing each one a digit.Thus this control is much faster and simpler to use that most of the available resizeable control. Trial version Note: the trial version has one major restriction with respect to the full version: it is not possible the change the text shown inside the control.The full version works in the same way as far as a valid license number is specified: after that it is possible to fully exploit all the features.
70. Job Designer MultiUser
Reports are user defined and can be generated by room, contact, equipment etc. This also allows you to make additional changes once the document has been generated and saved. Design custom document lay outs in any RTF (Rich text) -compatible word processor package (most popular word processors are), enabling you to add logos or additional text with ease. DetailsDownload trialBuy now ($149.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: Acvatec Software
75. TRGBCurves Component for Delphi (source included)
It allows to manipulate the RGB color channels in a 24bit or 32bit Tbitmap object, through an RGB Curves interface like the one in Photoshop. A method of the component allows to apply the RGB Curves manipulation to any picture trough the Tbitmap property.The demo version displays a nag text at top and occasionally popups a nag message when repainting itsself. DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 21.2 KB) Buy now ($79.00) Find similar
Vendor: New World Software
76. RC Localize
Nothing is easier to generate a multilanguage's release for your application or a dedicated release, which contains only a given language. Search/replace text feature. Automatic text substitution feature, when exporting the resource. DetailsDownload trial (Demo: 3 MB) Buy now ($49.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003
Language: English, French
Vendor: Manuel Jouglet Marcus
77. BetterVIEW Operator Security System Toolkit for LV (Win)
An integrated Operator Logging function tracks and time-stamps operator events such as log-in/log-out, and can include any arbitrarily defined text messages generated by the host application. Several sample how-to VIs, graphical help VIs, and extensive text documentation simplify the integration process. DetailsDownload trial (Demo: 1.1 MB Full version: 1.1 MB) Buy now ($89.00) Find similar
Platform: Windows 3.1x, Windows 95, Unix / Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, LabVIEW 5.0 or higher required
Vendor: BetterVIEW Consulting
79. E.S.T. Help Author Pro
It supports: Standard Windows Help File (HLP) HTML Help Format (CHM) Plain HTML Help without Style Sheets (HTML) Plain HTML Help with Style Sheets (HTML) Rich Text Format Manual (RTF) ANSI Text Format Manual (TXT) Most important Features: 100% WYSWYG Text Editor Property windows for project and topics Advanced Link Editor Macro Editor for Win32 Help files Full featured Find and Replace functionality Compiler Conditions and Plain HTML Support System and User Defined Live Text Fields System and Custom Topic Template Definitions Object Inspector to easy access the topic fields Bullets, Numbering and custom bulletting support Support usage of tables in topics Built-in customizable syntax highlighter for several languages Window Position Editor Advanced Font and Paragraph formatting Border and Background formatting Integrated Spell checker and Thesaurus OLE Object Support Print Preview Bookmark Trash for deleted topics Anchor definition in topics Full featured Undo/Redo function Keyword, Index and Contents Editors Browse Sequence Editors Baggage Editors for Win32 Help Topic information export Include file generator for Delphi and C++ Builder Topic Search by ID, Keyword and so on... PreDefined Bullet Images for VCL documentations Customizable user interface And so many many many.... DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 6.8 MB) Buy now ($69.37) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Bitvadász Kft.
81. E.S.T. Help Author Pro (5 Licenses)
It supports: Standard Windows Help File (HLP) HTML Help Format (CHM) Plain HTML Help without Style Sheets (HTML) Plain HTML Help with Style Sheets (HTML) Rich Text Format Manual (RTF) ANSI Text Format Manual (TXT) Most important Features: 100% WYSWYG Text Editor Property windows for project and topics Advanced Link Editor Macro Editor for Win32 Help files Full featured Find and Replace functionality Compiler Conditions and Plain HTML Support System and User Defined Live Text Fields System and Custom Topic Template Definitions Object Inspector to easy access the topic fields Bullets, Numbering and custom bulletting support Support usage of tables in topics Built-in customizable syntax highlighter for several languages Window Position Editor Advanced Font and Paragraph formatting Border and Background formatting Integrated Spell checker and Thesaurus OLE Object Support Print Preview Bookmark Trash for deleted topics Anchor definition in topics Full featured Undo/Redo function Keyword, Index and Contents Editors Browse Sequence Editors Baggage Editors for Win32 Help Topic information export Include file generator for Delphi and C++ Builder Topic Search by ID, Keyword and so on... PreDefined Bullet Images for VCL documentations Customizable user interface And so many many many.... DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 6.8 MB) Buy now ($243.15) Find similar
Platform: Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME
Vendor: Bitvadász Kft.