PJ collection of Flash Text Effects; Macromedia Flash MX (MX/2004/2004 professional) Component collection. Besides default font settings, many effects have predefined customization for alpha transparencies, movements, scaling, duration, letter and object(s) color, etc. Besides that, since all effects are Flash components, you can edit, modify, replace or rescript any part of the effects simply by opening the effect Symbols in the Library.
You can animate your effects. Add postproduction effects on 3D images. You can add your effects on images or animations. Add quickly effects on a single image or animation. Try effects settings out until you get what you want.
Plugin Galaxy for AE offers daily needed effects like transparency manipulation, blurring, texture and pattern generation, noise creation, mirroring and warping. All of these effects can be animated over time to produce stunning motion effects.
Power Pack - PJ and Supreme 4 collection of Flash Text Effects; Macromedia Flash MX (MX/2004/2004 professional) Component collection. Besides default font settings, many effects have predefined customization for alpha transparencies, movements, scaling, duration, letter and object(s) color, etc. Besides that, since all effects are Flash components, you can edit, modify, replace or rescript any part of the effects simply by opening the effect Symbols in the Library.
Plugin Galaxy for AE offers daily needed effects like transparency manipulation, blurring, texture and pattern generation, noise creation, mirroring and warping. All of these effects can be animated over time to produce stunning motion effects.
FontTwister is the fastest and easiest way to create dazzling text effects. The effect generator creates unlimited variations of amazing text effects. You can reedit text and effects at any time. Simple intuitive controls let you interactively real-time view and select your desired effect.
74. ACC Imaging
Mit dem Imaging-Modul werden die Active Customizing Compo- nents (ACC) zur leistungsfähigen Grafikengine. Match the tiles like a puzzle and multi-reuse the components. DetailsBuy now ($2,685.43) Find similar
Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003
Vendor: @BIT GmbH
FontTwister is the fastest and easiest way to create dazzling text effects. The effect generator creates unlimited variations of amazing text effects. You can reedit text and effects at any time. Simple intuitive controls let you interactively real-time view and select your desired effect.
76. Halftone plug-in
This plug-in creates high-quality anti-aliassed halftone dithering effects on any RGB, Grayscale or Duotone image in your favorite PhotoShop compatible graphics application (including Paint Shop Pro, PhotoPaint, PhotoImpact, Picture Publisher and many more). This is the rastering effect seen on Photographs in newspapers and other black-on-white publications but is also a popular effect as backgrounds for logo's and can even be used to create completely new effects. DetailsDownload trial (Full version: 709.4 KB) Buy now ($14.95) Find similar
Platform: Requires PhotoShop compatible graphics application
Vendor: VanDerLee